Sunday, January 22, 2017

Painting the Hopeless Romantic - An Experiment

Here it is!!! <=== Click me to listen!!

Aurora cigarettes, to light up my own vignette
Around the ultramarine of five-fifteen
Romancing your answering machine
'Cause I had a bad dream I need to forget
Dawn wilts like the silk from a spider
It touches the terrain, the windowpane
Heavy with morning rain and propane
Struggling inches from a lighter

I miss you more when the sheets are cold
With lamplights dripping like melting gold
My bed calls out to your faraway soul
And I'm choking on lonely, breathing in nothing

A starlit apathy, a fogging window movie screen
My smoking cigar wanders between the stars
A memoir to the sound of passing cars
In my dreams, you break me perfectly
The shadows dance again to the rhythm of my circadian
Daylight creeps from phosphorous streets
Like radio waves, they lull me awake

I miss you more when the sheets are cold
With lamplights dripping like melting gold
My bed calls out to your faraway soul
And I'm choking on lonely, breathing in...

Wrestling the thought of living our life alone
Lamenting lost lullabies deep into the phone
Dreaming without you is a new kind of lonely
And I'm choking out words, breathing out nothing

A thousand nights like this. and I still can feel
Your breath on the pillow; living with the vertigo
The perfect companion, this amorous phantom
Spectral fingers paint the hopeless romantic

I miss you more when the sheets are cold
With lamplights dripping like melting gold
My bed calls out to your faraway soul
And I'm choking on lonely, breathing in...

Wrestling the thought of living our life alone
Lamenting lost lullabies deep into the phone
Dreaming without you is a new kind of lonely
And I'm choking out words, breathing out nothing

Here it is!!! <=== Click me to listen!!

1 comment:

  1. Cool! I didn't realized you added a link to the music!
